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There is no doubt that one of the most impressive natural sites of Iran, particularly Khuzestan is Karoun River which flows from Bakhtirari Mountains toward Persian Gulf.

Karoun is known as the longest river Iran with approximately 950 km and is the only one navigable despite permitted for fishing in Iran. Of course, it receives many tributes such as Dez before going through Ahvaz but and before joining to Arvand roud and going to mouth of Persian Gulf.

In regard with its name, several stories has been told, but we strongly know that Its name has been changed several times in history and archaeologists are of the opinion its original name was Karen, kernak, etc. It’s quite interesting that many civilizations have been living in this region along the river such as Elamite or even earlier ones.

What makes the story of this river amazing is, it flows through several prominent mountain ridge and receive water from other rivers such as Dez, Vanak as well. This has made the govt of Iran very thoughtful by building some more dams almost not that far from each other such as Karoun-4 dam and Karoun-3 dam.

Karoun River of Iran
Karoun River

Karoun has been playing an important role in history of Iran as most of the transports between cities were done through Karoun river. Even in 20th century when English people discovered first oil wells in Iran, Masjed Soleyman city, oil was transferred through Karoun river as the most important waterway of Iran.

Another point we can make is, water of Karoun provide for irrigation of Ahvaz and surrounding that helps many locals and businesses for having a decent water supply.